Real Stories
Approximately 7,000 high school students drop out every school day, which translates to one in three students. Once students make the decision to drop out, they lack the tools to compete in today's society and diminish their chances for greater success in the future. But the decision to drop out of school does not happen overnight; it comes after years of frustration and failure. Often, those that drop out have run out of motivation and have no source of support or encouragement in school or at home.
The goal of CHILD FIRST is to support, encourage, and create an identity for those who may be at risk of dropping out. By featuring the Real Stories of potential graduates at risk of dropping out, CHILD FIRST encourages teens, parents and adult influencers to give struggling students in their own communities the encouragement they need to stay in school and graduate.
School districts and communities must begin to explore strategies to re-engage students who have already dropped out of high school. Because of the widespread, pressing nature of the crisis and the large numbers of young people who have already dropped out, a national re-enrollment strategy should be a fundamental part of America's national education agenda.
News Archives
Child First USA's Interns Blog
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Child First Staffer Takes a Stand Against Youth Violence
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Child First USA Names Sterling Hudson III to Serve as CEO
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Sterling Hudson Receives Mentorship Award
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Congratulations James White for being accepted to The Ohio State University Law School on a full Scholarship! Read James' Story Here!